Anatomy (or Autopsy) of an Alexandrine
(in the English "iambic hexameter" verse style)

“An existential threat to our democracy!”
(Twelve syllables expressing rank hypocrisy).

How best can one explain this all-pervading crime
in couplets (pairs of lines) that tell the tale in rhyme?

Take each of these two lines, call them hexameters:
six “feet” as we describe these verse parameters.

Each “foot” contains two syllables, unstressed then stressed:
an “iamb,” of its nature neither cursed nor blessed.

Yet using six “iambs” to frighten or deceive,
the rhythm of our lies earns that which we receive:

opprobrium and shame, contempt and ridicule,
not the exception but the chief defining rule.

An “alexandrine” can, therefore, in just one line,
appropriate twelve syllables to swear and whine.

But followed by another, equally obtuse,
the despot can achieve a more effective use.

“An Existential Threat!” That’s what they always say
when goading us to pay up, tremble, and obey.

This alexandrine, then, serves Power’s vanity:
An existential threat to truth and sanity.

And after this, if you still don’t believe that’s true,
then I’ve an alexandrine couplet just for you.

Michael Murry, "The Misfortune Teller," Copyright © 2024